Jay And Silent Bob Get Old In Ridgefield
by John A. Wilcox
My phone rang. The raspy voice on the other end exclaimed Hello! Hello! Jason Mewes up in this myutha fyukka! The voice was unmistakable. Jason Mewes. Jay. Jay as in Jay and Silent Bob. I first saw them in the film Mallrats. My pal Bob Schreck told me to see this film and guaranteed I'd love it. He was right. Dogma, Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back, Clerks 2, and others had those 2 dudes. The outrageous skinny guy and the quiet big guy. Jay and Silent Bob. Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith, respectively. They've been making me laugh for years and now they're coming to the Ridgefield Playhouse on Thursday, November 8.

Mewes and Smith will be presenting a freewheeling live show where anything can happen. Mewes elaborates: I would say there's somewhat of a structure to it, but the dialogue or storyline or what have you is off the cuff. Just the opening is a structure. The rest is all ad lib. Look for some bonus fun at the end of the evening as well. Mewes: At the end we play a game called Let Us F**k! It's a game and we pick 3 people and let the audience pick 3 weird sex positions. Let's say it was the Donald Duck butt pump. Me and that person have to act out that position. It's just simulated sex. We've been doing that almost every show. Evidently there are nights where the game takes an unexpected turn. This guy was a little buzzed and it was a little crazy. Said Mewes. He picked me up and fell on top of me. People were laughing and it was pretty funny. At the time it wasn't planned, it wasn't expected so it was sort of out there.

The stoner duo remain popular to this day. I asked Mewes what he attributes the enduring nature of Jay and Silent Bob to. Mewes: When we shot the movies and the characters first came about, a lot of people would say to me "Hey man, I have a friend like that!" "Hey, my brother's like that!" People could really relate with the characters because they had someone in their lives that's similar to that - really obnoxious, speaks their mind. They have brothers or family members or friends that are similar to that. Jay, Silent Bob, Jason Mewes, and Kevin Smith have a busy future ahead, as Mewes relates: We're doing a Jay And Silent Bob animated movie. It's gonna be about 60 - 70 minutes long. Besides that, we have Smodco Productions. We're doing Smarcade - game apps for the phone and the iPad. We have a Youtube channel: Youtube.com/seesmod. Every day we put up different content. Kevin has the film Hit Somebody. That'll be a little bit down the road. I just finished 3 films separately from Kevin. One is called Noobz and a movie called K-11. That should be coming out in January or February. Noobz is about 4 guys going to play in a videogame tournament. There's a lot of hijinx in it. I just finished a movie in London and they're editing it. It's called Devil's Tower - it should be coming out by next summer. Working on a bunch of different stuff!
Jay And Silent Bob Get Old Live at 7:30 pm on Thursday, November 8 at:
The Ridgefield Playhouse
80 East Ridge
Ridgefield, CT
(203) 438-5795
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